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Projecy 2014

Fatt "S"


On the left side you find the plan for the 2014 surfboard. It's gonna be a board with a lot of volume, wide rails & like a true "Bite Me" board only wood. This surfboard is gonna be constructed out of Red ceder and basswood. The frame is plywood 4mm & 8mm. Pictures will be added as the project comes along. Enjoy and check in frequently to stay up to date.

The stringer is 8mm plywood and the rest of the frame 4mm. plywood.
The bottom is glued on with fiber reinforced construction glue.

I glued the wood together and created 2 boards that way, each about 60 cm wide,220 cm long and 4,5 mm thick. One for the bottom and one for the top. Choosing wooden strips and bookmatched ceder planks creating a unique "Bite Me" surfboard.Shaving off the wood reveals the outline off the board. Putting on some rails is the next thing to do.

bite me surfboard
bite me surfboard

Bottom & Top

Bite Me Surfboard
bite me surfboard

     Rail time     

bite me surfboard
every 5 cm the height off the rail is measured and calculations are made so the rail will have the correct shape

After bringing the rail down to the deck and flush with the bottom you and up with ( in this case ) 1.5 kilo of wood shavings. Every 5 cm the height of the rail is measured and calculations are made for the correct shape of the rail. The final product after shaving and sanding has a weight of 5.7 kilo. The wood has to be impregnated because it's an organic material and will absorb most of the epoxy when not treated. This can lead to delamination with the glass or air pockeds beneath the glass. And that will decrease the strength of the board. The impregnation also brings out the true colours of the wood.

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